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Universitas Pertiwi Vision

To become a university that is trusted and committed to producing graduates with character, superior competence and an active role in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

Universitas Pertiwi Mission

1. Organizing quality education and training programs that emphasize character education and superior competencies, by aligning the curriculum and work concentration programs with community needs.

2. Creating an academic atmosphere that supports the creation of intelligent and intelligent graduates with a culture of learning, researching, and playing an active role in community service.

3. Building credible, transparent and accountable higher education governance.

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Organizing Body

Universitas Pertiwi is organized by the Pertiwi Global Education Foundation, which is located in Jl. Sunan Sedayu No: 12 . Rawamangun, s ratified by Menkumham RI Nomor: AHU-3689.AH.01.04 of 2011.

The structure of the Pertiwi Global Education Foundation is as follows:

• Chief Trustee: Dr. Suharsono
• Expert Advisor: Dr. Arif Nugroho, B.Eng., M.Sc.
• Foundation Chair: Tuti Indrayani,S.E.,MBA
• Secretary: Syamsuddin, A.Md
• Chief Financial Officer: Erlina Fielaely, B.Sc.
• Supervisor: Agung Setiawan, SE, MAC

Chairman of the Pertiwi Global Education Foundation and Chancellor of Universitas Pertiwi

Chairman of the Pertiwi Education Foundation
I feel very honored and happy to stand in front of you and all the students today. I am the chair of the foundation of the newly formed Pertiwi University. It was an incredible and unforgettable moment for me because it has been a long journey, and finally, my big dream and all of ours came true. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all those who have contributed to this achievement.

First of all, I want to express my gratitude to the supporters of the school. It is because of all of you that I have had the opportunity to pursue this great endeavor of education.

I would also like to thank all the lecturers who tirelessly provide excellent teaching to all students. Your dedication and enthusiasm for imparting knowledge and providing guidance to students are important milestones in the success of our university. You are heroes who provide provisions for the next generation to achieve their goals and dreams.

Not to forget, my thanks also go to all the students who have shown extraordinary dedication and enthusiasm. You are the hope and future of this university. You have shown the tenacity and passion that inspire us all. Keep learning and innovating, because the world needs future leaders like you.

Don't forget that this team has worked hard and made inestimable contributions to make this dream come true. From administrative officers to cleaners, everyone has played an important role in shaping the identity of our university. Your cooperation and tenacity are the solid foundation for our progress.

Finally, let us proudly celebrate this great achievement. Our university has become a symbol of change and innovation, and we must all commit ourselves to continued growth and development. Together, we will create a better future for education, society, and the world. Thank you.

Chancellor of Universitas Pertiwi

Our respect to the lecturers, students, and all members of this University,

I feel very honored and excited to stand in front of you as Chancellor of this university, which has just been transformed into Pertiwi University. Today is a special moment in the history of this institution, as we have all been part of a new beginning, a bright future, and unlimited potential.

First of all, let me congratulate all the lecturers who have fought together, as well as those who have just joined us. Your presence here is clear evidence of your extraordinary commitment and dedication to the world of education. You are the main pillars in realizing the vision and mission of this university. With the expertise and experience you have, I am sure that you will all guide and inspire students to achieve academic excellence and reach their best potential.

And to the students, I want to say welcome to the new family of Pertiwi University. All students here are part of a generation that has an extraordinary opportunity to change the world. The future is in the hands of all of us, and this university will be a bridge for all students to realize their dreams and ambitions. Here, knowledge, skills, and experience will shape students into inspiring future leaders.

Pertiwi University is a place where creativity, innovation, and collaboration will be empowered. Pertiwi University will encourage all students to think outside the box, take risks, and pursue their dreams with unwavering passion. We lecturers will support students on their journey by providing resources, facilities, and a stimulating learning environment.

I want everyone to realize that the achievements of this university depend on collaboration and synergy between all of us. Faculty, students, staff, and administration all play an important role in shaping the university's identity and reputation. Don't hesitate to support each other, work together, and respect the differences of opinion and uniqueness of each individual here.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that the success of this University is not only measured by academic achievements alone but also by our contribution to society and the world around us. We have a responsibility to be agents of positive change by solving social challenges and creating meaningful impact. I believe that we all have the potential to make a big difference.

Once again, congratulations to all of us on this extraordinary achievement and first step. Let's join hands, move forward, and create a bright future together. Thank You.

Pertiwi University Chancellor
Dr. Arif Nugroho, B.Eng., M.Sc.